“What are you going to do with your extra hour this weekend?” Every year, a friend and I exchange texts around this significant question.
While standard time ushers in a season of dark afternoons, it also provides the sweet gift of sixty extra minutes. A whole hour to use as I wish. And to my husband, Mark’s dismay, I always insist that I can use this hour anytime on Sunday. There’s no requirement to enjoy this bounty right at 2:00 a.m. when the clocks officially fall back. Besides, I’m always sound asleep long before then!
So, what am I going to do with my precious hour this Sunday? Travel? Nah. Household chores? Definitely not! Scroll about the election? Nope, although it would be easy to mindlessly squander my time this way
What if this year, I did something radical and let go of this question about doing and changed its focus to being? How do I want to be during my hour? Present. Focused. Reflective.
Perhaps, I might notice the beauty of the autumn leaves. Savor a cup of steaming chai tea. Soak in words of inspiration from a favorite poet.
Take the time to connect with the inner peace that resides somewhere deep in me. That resides somewhere deep in each of us
And even to try to carry this peace into the coming week and share it with others
How about you? How do you want to be during your extra hour this weekend? And what do you want to carry into the coming week?
Deep peace to each of you,
Copyright (c) 2024, Bridget Purdome, ThePearlDivers.com. All rights reserved.
The Gift of an Hour