I started my daily “woo” practice in anticipation of a long road trip with my 28-year-old. I knew that Ciaran was already fatigued from driving from Vancouver to Chicago, that they were feeling the stress of a big move and a new job, and that they may not appreciate my early morning enthusiasm. I was just so excited about accompanying them from Chicago to Novia Scotia – what a great adventure!
As I passed Ciaran in the kitchen, I shared a soft “woo.” I was surprised to receive a pretty solid “woo” in return. Before we headed out, we stood together for a joint “woo” as Mark videoed us.
“Woo” became the trip motto. Each morning, I would offer an initial “woo,” and Ciaran would video it and share it on family messaging. Then, throughout our days, the “woo’s” were never ending.
Making it through the border: “Woo!” The border patrol was so chill!
Stopping at A&W: “Woo!” There’s nothing like a Mama Burger!
Arriving in Quebec: “Woo!” How does one say, “woo” in French?
Viewing Montmorency Falls: “Woo!” They’re even higher than Niagara Falls!
Hiking Hopewell Rocks: “Woo!” It was so cool to walk the ocean floor at low tide!
Picking up coffee at Tim Horton’s: “Woo! Je ne parle pas français!
Sampling donaire for dinner: “Woo!” The sweet sauce was delicious!
Finding Loonie’s for our laundry: “Woo!” I learned that loons are Canada’s national bird.
Eating giant ice cream cones near Peggy’s Cove: “Woo!” We made it to Nova Scotia!
“Woo!” “Woo!” “Woo!”
Now that I’m back to “ordinary” life in Chicago, I’m trying to stay in the “woo” spirit. Honestly, some days, this is pretty challenging.
Getting my car emissions tested – “Woo?” Well…it did pass!
Finding a flat tire on my bike – “Woo?” The bike guy did fix it quickly!
Keeping my annual mammogram appointment – “Woo?” Ok…this was so uncomfortable, but there were no issues!
And some days, the extraordinary just appears among the “ordinary.”
Eating tiny homegrown tomatoes: “Woo!” I never knew I could be an urban gardener!
Taking in the incredible sunrise: “Woo!” And there was no wildfire smoke! (I continue to think about our Canadian neighbors.)
Swimming in wavy Lake Michigan: “Woo!” There’s nothing more energizing than this!
“Woo!” “Woo!” “Woo!
How about you? What “woo” moments are you experiencing among your “ordinary” days?
Copyright (c) 2023, Bridget Purdome, ThePearlDivers.com. All rights reserved.