The teacher said,
“Feel joy as you breathe in.
Feel peace as you breathe out.”
I’m struggling with this walking meditation
in the dark Gothic chapel.
I long to be outside
in the light.
Besides, how can I feel joy
when so many are suffering?
How can I feel peace
when the world is in chaos?
I’m too polite to leave
so I continue walking.
Place right foot on gray concrete
and breathe in
Rock forward onto right toe
and breathe out.
Left heel
breathe in.
Left toe
breathe out.
Eyes focused straight ahead
until I look up
and am stunned
by a sun-shaped window
high above the altar
like a little kid would draw
bright yellow ball
with fiery red triangles radiating out
wrapped in bright purple
then outlined in sky blue.
Right heel
breathe in
Right toe
breathe out.
Left heel
breathe in.
Left toe
breathe out.
Eyes looking up
high above the altar.
Finally, I ask,
“How do you dare to be so colorful
in the midst of so much darkness?”
Right heel
breathe in.
Right toe
breathe out.
Left heel
breathe in.
Left toe
breathe out.
The colorful window responds,
“How can I not be?”
Copyright (c) 2025, Bridget Purdome, All rights reserved.
A Meditation Retreat