
Weekend of Ponders and Wonders

Please join us as we ponder and wonder about our inner and outer lives. Listen deeply to yourself, others, Spirit (however you name this great mystery), nature and all of life.

August 23-25, South Bend, Indiana. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Retreats and Times of Reflection

Custom programs can be developed to meet the interests of your group.  Below are some possible topics:

  • Finding Hope in Challenging Times
  • Seasonal Themes
  • Self-Care
  • Ignatian Spirituality
  • Meditation
  • Contemplative Prayer
  • Journey through Life

Sessions may include:

  • facilitator reflections
  • guided meditation
  • participant discussion
  • creative expression and
  • other activities.

Programs may be offered:

  • over a period of several days
  • in a morning or afternoon of reflection or
  • in an abbreviated one hour format.

They may be held:

  • at your location
  • a retreat house or
  • remotely.

Ongoing Groups

Groups typically meeting weekly or monthly. Each session includes some facilitator input with most of the time dedicated to participant sharing and/or spiritual practice. Below are some possible topics:

  • Life sharing
  • Connections (with self, others, the Divine, nature, and all of life
  • Change and Transition
  • Grief and Loss
  • Meditation
  • Contemplative Prayer